
Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

The Cabelte Group, with reference to their practice and their values, made at the Quality Policy which expressly consigns the preservation of the environment, decided, under direct control of the Executive Committee, implement and maintain a policy for the environment allowing it to position itself as a reference of the National Industry.

Minimize the impact of its activities at all levels of interaction with the surrounding physical and human resources.

- Maintenance of an Environmental Management System in accordance with the ISO 14001, incorporated into with the other Organization management functions;

- Compliance with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes which relate to its environmental aspects;

- Pollution prevention and rational use of natural resources through continuous improvement of processes, reduce consumption, and recycling and reuse of waste generated;

- Aspects of assessment and environmental impacts of its activities, products and services, as well as new or modified processes, establishing objectives and targets associated with significant environmental aspects;

- Evaluation and periodic review of environmental performance, with a view to defining corrective, preventive actions, and continuous improvement of environmental performance;

- Training, communication and awareness of all employees in the environmental area in order to encourage widespread participation in meeting the objectives and established environmental goals;

- Use of processes, sensitive products and services to the environment and to the health of people promoting environmental best practices from suppliers, customers and other stakeholders;

- Comunicação com as partes interessadas em relação a esta Política por forma a que a Organização reforce a sua reputação de rigor também no âmbito da gestão ambiental.